once again design


Archival art animates stories found in photographs, journals, dad's lucky shirt, grandma's lace, magazine clippings, jewelry boxes, and button tin treasures. It discovers the driving force of a story and reinvests that energy in new forms attentive to the essence and value of connection while respecting a real demand for utility, portability, and sleek design.


Archival art takes inspiration from Albert Camus who writes, "Artists choose their purpose as much a they are chosen by that purpose ... it encompasses all that is fleeting and unfinished. Art does not, therefore, take on anything more than the purpose of giving another shape to a reality that it is, nevertheless, constrained to conserve" ("Create Dangerously" 1957).


Each "Once Again Design" begins by lingering in a slow and careful reading of a story's archival remains - the memories, keepings, and collected treasures connecting us to important people and ideas. The artist listen, looks, and reconfigures another shape for reality - a new form, a next story emerging that invites curiosity, imagination, and renewed connection - designs you can be proud to keep, wear, or display.